Friday, July 20, 2007

Rain didn't stop masons for long!

Lots of workers in this week with elevator installers, electricians, carpenters and the masons.
The storms moving in and out didn't stop work for long.
Corner blocks to be cut
These blocks are being inserted to give the new wall the look of the 1897 corner of the Ford-Bacon house.

The elevator floor was installed and it is able to travel from the ground floor up to the 3rd floor level as the workers add on all the needed pieces.
The electricians have been busy cutting and bending conduit, pulling wires and installing boxes.

Besides the flurry of work there has been a buzz about Harry Potter--who saw the movie last weekend and the book release late tonight. Our copies arrived and were placed in the vault and the audio just arrived. These will be processed early Saturday and available to the avid readers.

Looking back on your childhood, who was your "Harry Potter"? I greatly enjoyed the Eager magic books, Bobbsey Twins and Hardy Boys! of course the Boys and Twins books weren't found in the library as mass market series weren't deemed serious literature for a library!

We'd be interested to hear from you on your childhood favorites, please respond using the blog comments section. To find what others liked you might want to check out the New York Times site for responses to that question.


KJ said...

I LOVED Nancy Drew! I would check them out of the library 3 and 4 at a time!

Anonymous said...

Great pictures on the blog.....

Nancy Drew books were my favorite ones too. Although the Christmas I turned 13, a family member got me a set of books entitled 'best stories for girls' [or something close to that] which I read, and reread for years!!! I then passed them down to my daughters who did the same with them [as well as my Nancy Drew books - which was also a favorite of my son!] I also really like Agatha Christie too.

Anonymous said...

I enjoyed all of the "Little House" books by Laura Ingalls Wilder.